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Friday Dry-Land and Swim

Anthony Addlesberger

Swim Videos for the day - Please subscribe to be on mailing list to get access to the videos!

Today we are going to do a bit of a history lesson on the women's 200 meter fly. The swims below are three of the most epic and legendary swims of all time. Enjoy the history and be sure to listen to the commentary pre and post race to get the full experience!

Race Video - Make sure to watch in order!

  1. Fly 1981 Mary T. Meagher 200 fly WR

  2. Fly 2000 Aussie Olympic Trials - Susie O'Neal Breaks Mary T.'s 200 fly WR

  3. Fly 2000 Olympics Susie O'Neal & Misty Hyman 200 fly AR & OR

Tech & Visualization - Fly HRPK

  1. Fly Head Before Hands 2

  2. Fly Easy and Relaxed Recovery 2

  3. Fly High Elbow Catch & Pull 1

  4. Fly Work all Four Beats 4

Visualize yourself performing 4x25's of each skill, descending 1-4.


Leg Dynamic Warm-Up

  1. Leg Swings Side to Side - 10 ea

  2. Leg Swings Forward and Back - 10 ea

  3. Heel to butt kicks - 10 ea

Arm Dynamic Warm-Up

  1. One Arm Swings Forward - 10 ea

  2. One Arm Swings Backward - 10 ea

  3. Arm Swings Side to Side - 10 ea

20 Minutes of Cardio - light and easy

Full Body Strength and Mobility Circuit

Follow Along with the following video. Use the tiers reflected in the video to motivate you. Up to two minutes rest between rounds.

Warm Down and Stretch

Easy walk / jog + 5 minutes of static stretching.


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