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Friday Dry-Land and Swim

Anthony Addlesberger

Race Videos - Note please subscribe to get videos.

  1. BK 2016 Rio 400 MR Murphy Leadoff WR

  2. BK 2016 Rio 200 BK Murphy AW

  3. BK 2016 Rio 200 BK Murphy UW

Tech Videos

  1. FR Split Screen 1,2, & 5 - Go through HRPK Progression - spend 15-20 seconds focused on each skill in the HRPK order. Cycle through the videos as many times as needed.

Visualize 4x25's of each skill, descending 1-4. Work to recreate the image of model in head. Visualize and feel the appropriate muscle groups firing with the correlating stroke movements.


Dynamic Warm-Up of your choice

20 minutes of light to moderate cardio

Follow along with the model below - do the best you can to mimic the body movements. Use the tiers in the video below to motivate you.

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