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Hoorah for You

Anthony Addlesberger

I think I'll start this by saying I'm angry. I'm angry at a lot of things. But then I read this line, and I laugh, because I'm happy. I have to sit here, on my phone, and read texts from those who don't know me at all. Who patronize me and belittle me because of silly nonsense. Who think that I am not self-aware enough to understand my own flaws. When I am talked down to, and stand up for myself, have to make sure I understand every little thing I deserve being talked down to for. As if I don't know what I did wrong. As if I can somehow benefit from your condescendence, because you imply my mistakes are from my own ignorance that you're graciously bringing to light. As if we are even on the same wavelength. We're not. I know I suck. And I know you like to tell me that I do. Hoorah for you. But I still win, because I am me. And with being me comes freedom from being you. I'm glad I'm not you. But I don't like being me, either.

And that is how I will restart this blog that I have neglected for four years now. What has happened in four years? Oh, a world, world-and-a-half, and a world and ten-fold times ten-fold. Maybe it will help, maybe it won't. But at least I can express myself in a creative way. At least I have a way to reprieve myself from the utter nonsense I encounter daily. At least I can use this as an outlet.


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